Saturday, December 3, 2011

Playoffs Round I: The Dust Swirls


Our first week of playoffs featured some of the most astonishing and breath-taking feats of athleticism that I've ever imagined to have actually happened.  Here are the results..

at 5.30
in a round that started late due to lights delay, Pink upset Graphite, 12-6.  "fun to play with Ethan and vs Harris.  good spirit all around" - Keith
"Green and Tonic took to the frigid field this past Wednesday with great heart even though their bearded captain suffered a club foot and could not play.  G&T gained the first point, and the game went back and forth twixt the teams until Baby Blue decided to take the lead.  Many more things happened ending with a loss for Green, 7-14."-ET

then at 7.00
"purple and pink played a tight game first half, purple took half 8-6 and slowly pulled away to win 13-7ish?
we missed you! felice-" (that's my wife) "-played real well- 3 scores i think- she would have had one more but i over shot her!" - Mark Strazzer 13-7 Purple
B. Blue lost to the 1. seeded N. Blue, 7-15.  Can anyone stop the Magic?  

at 8.30
"White scored first for the break. Walt had a crucial turn on our end
zone allowing for this opportunity. From there we straightened up.
Maroon took the game 15-6. Believe we were 8-3 at half, @ 12-3 white
made a three point run. May want to fact check with CT and Katie.

I burned Ari deep kicking in the turbo. Ari burned me deep, "I got you
back" Juliette's hands were made of krazy glue and she caught e'ry
thing with one hand. We were a well oiled machine playing smart and
controlled. Sam Fontaine showed off his b-ball skills and cat like
reflexes on D, and while going up for a disc against A.Hartnagel
mis-read and like a ninja bid for the catch and the score." - Mateo Gordon

Red defeated the Gold Rush, whose attendance seemed to be an issue.  Where are the pre-season favorites?  

Check out the bracket below for game times.  All teams play both Wednesday and Saturday.  The trophy and prizes will be presented at the party this Saturday at 6.00!  Be there or be heckled.  

Fall 2011 Bracket

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