Friday, April 13, 2012

Week 7: Oh, Cold Snap!

 A little nip in the air didn't stop the ultimate.  Week 7 Results, Ahoy!
Blue Oxen of Minch vs. Funky Fly Foenixes
"It was a blustery Spring afternoon this past Wednesday. That whole in-like-a-lion-and-out-like-a-lamb bit seems to be a crock. And it certainly made for a silly game of ultimate with lots of diving blades, high spirits, incompletions and a full game of zone. Both teams seemed to have butter fingers as we traded drops and points until Foenix took half at 8-7 or 8-6. Then we clamped down on our defense and continued to pull away on the scoreboard. Shortly after soft cap the final score was determined." - Rachel Winner
Foenixes 13 - 6 Blue Oxen

Chupagoyles vs. Stackin Kraken
"The Chupagoyles came out ready for some great games on Wednesday.  Starting with a small crew and big winds it felt like a zoney kind of night.  The short game had been working well, so after testing the winds a little bit, the chupas decided to stick with it.  Blue Oxen of Minch worked the disc smoothly down the middle of the field and even got some great shots off between gusts.  It was a hard battle but as the first game came to a close (and capped) Chupas squeaked out with a W for the night final score of 12-11."-Amy Allen
Chupagoyles 12 - 11 Kraken

Chupagoyles vs. Blue Oxen of Minch
"After tying the game 7-7, Blue decided scoring in the 2nd half isn't cool." - Seanboy
Chupagoyles 12 - 7 Blue Oxen

Puff the Magic Jackalope vs. ManBearPig
"A game of tsunamis." -Saggy
Jackalope 11 - 8 ManBearPig
Nessie vs. Guardin' Gnomes
"In defiance of all physical properties known and unknown, Guardin’ Gnomes ended a winning streak coming up just one point shy to the One Eyed Monsters known collectively as Nessie.  One sideline reporter observed that Nessie had, “more speed than a trucker’s convention,” and the Gnomes “had more turns than the Daytona 500.”  That might have been Evan, can’t say for certain." - Jason Rector
Nessie 12 - 11 Gnomes

Calvinosaurs vs. Lil' Griffins
"In a much anticipated match up between league directors, the Calvinosaurs came out swinging and took at 7 - 3 lead.  Then their gears began to jam up as their offense began to throw into the Griffins' talon-y zone.  We mustered half 8-7 after a couple tediously lengthy points but lost in the end, 10-8." - Me 
Griffins 10 - 8 Calvinosaurs

Which leaves us with the records: 
Calvinosaurs    2 - 6
Stackin' Kraken    3 - 5
Chupagoyles    5 - 4
Lil' Griffins    7 - 1 - 1
ManBearPig    2 - 6
Blue Oxen of Minch    3 - 6
Guardin' Gnomes    3 - 5
Puff the Magic Jackalope    3 - 4 - 1
Nessie    7 - 2
Funky Fly Foenixes    6 - 2

By the way, if you didn't know, there is a hat tournament taking place this weekend in Greenville, just 45 minutes south of Asheville.  If you're free, it's highly recommended!  Hat tournaments are a blast; you simply show up and put a whole league's worth of fun into one day.  Here's a link with info:

See you next week, friends. 

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