Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week 6: Oh the Monstrosity!


Our sixth week into the mayhem, and the action is heating up.  Check out the action straight from a few horse-mouths below:

Lil' Griffins vs. Funky Fly Foenixes
Griffins 15 - 13 Foenixes

Calvinosaurs vs. Guardin' Gnomes
The Calvinosaurs fought valiantly, albeit lethargically.  I don't like thinking about this game much.  
Guardin' Gnomes 11 - 10 Calvinosaurs

Chupagoyles vs. Puff the Magic Jackalope
Chupagoyles 11 - 8 Jackalope

Stackin' Kraken vs. Blue Oxen of Minch
"As the sun painted the western skies shades of what this color-blind reported was told of as amazing purple, The Mighty Krakenites stretched their limbs and prepared to take on the Blue Oxen.  Using our patented ten-tentacled defense we shot off in a cloud of ink to an early lead, taking half by a score not currently remembered.  In the second half, under the advisement of Motivational Speaker Nosowitz, we kept our head in the game like good cephalopods  and rode out the current to a 15-11 victory.  Unfortunately our final cheer was for Paul Bundy (hopefully a cousin of Al, preferably not Ted) - a folklore mistake we would like to apologize for and assure the Oxen that it shan't happen again." -Andrew Hartnegel
Kraken 15 - 11 Oxen
Stackin' Kraken vs. Puff the Magic Jackalope
"The moon rose in thankfully discernible black and white tones over the east and we all agreed it was a swell night for a second game against the Jackalopes.   The early game was so evenly matched, it didn't even matter that no one knew who was what color on the scoreboard.  The 'Lopes fought intensely, even with Dan Kenney sidelined with a golf injury (yes, you read that right), however our patented SuperSucker O took half and never looked back because that's impossible for a creature with fixed giant eyes on the sides of a neckless head, winning 13-9.  We committed yet another cheer gaffe in saying the 'Lopes had horns, when in fact they have antlers, but please understand it was just the adrenaline talking." -Ibid.  
Kraken 13 - 9 Jackalope

Nessie vs. ManBearPig
"(Nessie's Perspective): Bad guys get a quick break, taking the lead 2-3. We trade points a few times, and then Nessie gets two breaks, tying the game at 5s.  We trade points again and then bad guys gain the lead 6-7.  Nessie takes half, with some awesome zone defense, score 8-7.  ManBearPig gets a break, and game is tied at 9s.  Bad guys go up to 9-10, and then Cos gets 2 back to back calahans.  Final score 14-9, ManBearPig really does exist!  Great ultimate on both sides." - Jack Derbyshire
ManBearPig 14 - 9 Nessie

Wow, back-to-back Callahans?  That Cosgrove guy must be an outstanding cheater. 

Leaving us with the team records:
Calvinosaurs    2 - 5
Stackin' Kraken    3 - 4
Chupagoyles    3 - 4
Lil' Griffins    6 - 1 - 1
ManBearPig    2 - 5
Blue Oxen of Minch    3 - 4
Guardin' Gnomes    3 - 4
Puff the Magic Jackalope    2 - 4 - 1
Nessie    6 - 2
Funky Fly Foenixes    5 - 2

And some photographic highlights taken by Laura Boffa. 

Ellory shows distaste for her Daddy's team's performance. 
Josh Tager makes someone layout. 
Mike Rose goes up!

Looks like two pivot points to me. 

Frisbee people are weird. 
Brian scores again.  Booooring. 

Playoffs are a-coming!  See you tomorrow night. 

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