Friday, April 20, 2012

Week Ocho: Loco!

Some spectacular games and nail-biting upsets this week, folks.  First a couple announcements:

1)  Only two more weeks of regular season play.  Then, we'll have 3 weeks of playoffs, schedule TBA.  Stay tuned to this blog, where we'll put up the brackets.  All playoffs and finals will be on Wednesday nights; finals will be on May 23rd.  
2)  Clear your calendars for May 19th.  AUC will be hosting a one day hat tourament, which will also serve as a pre-party for the end of season League Party.  Also, we'll be having signup sheets for Summer League at this shindig, so it's highly encouraged that you bring a friend to sign up for this crazy sport.  

And now...........................RESULTS!
Man-Bear-Pig vs. Funky Fly Foenixes
"Having arrived fashionably late, I missed the first 7 or so points of the game against Man-Bear-Pig. But word on the street is that it started out as a very sloppy match up with far more turnovers than points. The FFFs struggled to coordinate our short game but had some pretty sexy defense and a baller deep game that wound up shutting the Men-Bears-Pigs down." Rachel Winner 
Foenixes 12 - 9 Man-Bear-Pig

Calvinosaurs vs. Puff the Magic Jackalope
"In a night punctuated with amazing comebacks and thrilling universe points; what better way to start off than showing up late and getting soundly thumped?  I can think of many... however, at the time it was pretty damn enjoyable as Adrian got open like a birthday present and Clark went long like a something that is long.  I will treasure always the lessons I learned from this game:  
  • Ryan Sitler is fast. 
  • So is Ryan Bell.  
  • Ann Araps is faster than both of them. 
  • I have no earthly idea how to handle a 'Stall' call conflicting with a 'Foul' on the throw that would have negated the stall.  Except for it was Strazzer, so I figured he traveled anyway and deserved a good arguing with to boot.  " - Saggy
Calvinosaurs 12 - 10 Jackalope

Puff the Magic Jackalope vs. Funky Fly Foenixes
"(before this rambling starts: what about Birdo's crazy catch on DanMan in the endzone!!!!  How did he catch that?!)

In a night originating with surprised time checks, frantic gathering of ultimate gear, and late arrivals, Dan 'Mother[edit]er' Kenny shows up to join said huddle.  The addition of another handler gave us the thrilling edge we needed to run Ho stack and slowly fall behind 5 points.  

Sparked by a flurry of incomplete deep throws from Dan the Man 'I'm-pretty-sure-the-7th-huck-will-be-a-completion' Manget and loud noises from Saggy:
  1. Puff rallies back to tie the game at 10's! (Seth is pretty manic at this point, not sure how accurate the synopsis is)
  2. Puff goes up 11-10!
  3. Foenixes tie the game at 11's!
  4. Soft cap sounds!  Game to 13! 
  5. Puff goes up 12-11!
  6. Unable to hear Seth's pre-pull pump up speech: "This is our point! Let's make it the last point of the game" - Foenixes score the tying goal!  (sneaky breakmark high release backhand from Birdo)
  7. Fulfilling Puff's 'make every throw 100%' universe point vow:  Garret 'right-hand-submissive' Earhart throws a left handed cork-screwing hammer to Dan 'every-throw-to-me-is-100%' Kenny to win the game - Thrilling! - YAY!" - Ibid.  
Jackalope 13 - 12 Foenixes

Stackin' Kraken vs. Nessie
"Perfect weather for two spectacular and totally real creatures in the Kraken and LochNess.  In "The Battle of Ocean Lure" the Krakens took a fast lead and then got really happy and then forgot how to play and then lost the lead and consequentially lost half 8-6.  2nd half didn't go the Krakens way either at the beginning, but when the score got to 11-8 in favor of the Nessies, Kraken hunkered down and brought it to a 11-11 tie and to universe point.  The point was a bit testy as most universe points can be.  But after a few "contests" and "no-contests" the Krakens pulled it out with a scary throw and catch to the side of the end zone that was disputed.  Fortunately the ladies and gentlemen of Nessie are honest and great sports and called Kraken in bounds without any doubt." - Adam Morgan
Kraken 12 - 11 Nessie

Lil' Griffins vs. Blue Oxen of Minch
"The Blue Oxen of Minch decided this week that it would be cool to score in the 2nd half.  After going down 8-4, then 14-7, the UNCA lead Minch pulled off their second epic comeback of the week, finishing on a 7-0 run to win 15-14.  A wonderfully high spirited game with lots of exciting plays, FOR THE FANS!!!" - Seanboy
Blue Oxen 15 - 14 Griffins

Chupagoyles vs. Guardin' Gnomes
"Wednesday morning was cold, and the Chupagoyles awoke knowing it was going to be a game of chilly offence against the Gaurdin' Gnomes that night.  And so it was; the the Gnomes threw some very effective man and zone defenses that kept the points close, with many opportunities to score for both team. Chupagoyles ended up pulling out a win after briefly forgetting how to score and letting the gnomes go on a 4 point streak late in the game." - Amy Allen
Chupagoyles 15 - 10 Guardin' Gnomes

So here's our records:

Calvinosaurs 3 - 6
Stackin' Kraken 4 - 5
Chupagoyles 6 - 4
Lil' Griffins 7 - 2 - 1
ManBearPig 2 - 7
Blue Oxen of Minch 4 - 6
Guardin' Gnomes 3 - 6
Puff the Magic Jackalope 4 - 5 - 1
Nessie 7 - 3
Funky Fly Foenixes 7 - 3

Friday, April 13, 2012

Week 7: Oh, Cold Snap!

 A little nip in the air didn't stop the ultimate.  Week 7 Results, Ahoy!
Blue Oxen of Minch vs. Funky Fly Foenixes
"It was a blustery Spring afternoon this past Wednesday. That whole in-like-a-lion-and-out-like-a-lamb bit seems to be a crock. And it certainly made for a silly game of ultimate with lots of diving blades, high spirits, incompletions and a full game of zone. Both teams seemed to have butter fingers as we traded drops and points until Foenix took half at 8-7 or 8-6. Then we clamped down on our defense and continued to pull away on the scoreboard. Shortly after soft cap the final score was determined." - Rachel Winner
Foenixes 13 - 6 Blue Oxen

Chupagoyles vs. Stackin Kraken
"The Chupagoyles came out ready for some great games on Wednesday.  Starting with a small crew and big winds it felt like a zoney kind of night.  The short game had been working well, so after testing the winds a little bit, the chupas decided to stick with it.  Blue Oxen of Minch worked the disc smoothly down the middle of the field and even got some great shots off between gusts.  It was a hard battle but as the first game came to a close (and capped) Chupas squeaked out with a W for the night final score of 12-11."-Amy Allen
Chupagoyles 12 - 11 Kraken

Chupagoyles vs. Blue Oxen of Minch
"After tying the game 7-7, Blue decided scoring in the 2nd half isn't cool." - Seanboy
Chupagoyles 12 - 7 Blue Oxen

Puff the Magic Jackalope vs. ManBearPig
"A game of tsunamis." -Saggy
Jackalope 11 - 8 ManBearPig
Nessie vs. Guardin' Gnomes
"In defiance of all physical properties known and unknown, Guardin’ Gnomes ended a winning streak coming up just one point shy to the One Eyed Monsters known collectively as Nessie.  One sideline reporter observed that Nessie had, “more speed than a trucker’s convention,” and the Gnomes “had more turns than the Daytona 500.”  That might have been Evan, can’t say for certain." - Jason Rector
Nessie 12 - 11 Gnomes

Calvinosaurs vs. Lil' Griffins
"In a much anticipated match up between league directors, the Calvinosaurs came out swinging and took at 7 - 3 lead.  Then their gears began to jam up as their offense began to throw into the Griffins' talon-y zone.  We mustered half 8-7 after a couple tediously lengthy points but lost in the end, 10-8." - Me 
Griffins 10 - 8 Calvinosaurs

Which leaves us with the records: 
Calvinosaurs    2 - 6
Stackin' Kraken    3 - 5
Chupagoyles    5 - 4
Lil' Griffins    7 - 1 - 1
ManBearPig    2 - 6
Blue Oxen of Minch    3 - 6
Guardin' Gnomes    3 - 5
Puff the Magic Jackalope    3 - 4 - 1
Nessie    7 - 2
Funky Fly Foenixes    6 - 2

By the way, if you didn't know, there is a hat tournament taking place this weekend in Greenville, just 45 minutes south of Asheville.  If you're free, it's highly recommended!  Hat tournaments are a blast; you simply show up and put a whole league's worth of fun into one day.  Here's a link with info:

See you next week, friends. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week 6: Oh the Monstrosity!


Our sixth week into the mayhem, and the action is heating up.  Check out the action straight from a few horse-mouths below:

Lil' Griffins vs. Funky Fly Foenixes
Griffins 15 - 13 Foenixes

Calvinosaurs vs. Guardin' Gnomes
The Calvinosaurs fought valiantly, albeit lethargically.  I don't like thinking about this game much.  
Guardin' Gnomes 11 - 10 Calvinosaurs

Chupagoyles vs. Puff the Magic Jackalope
Chupagoyles 11 - 8 Jackalope

Stackin' Kraken vs. Blue Oxen of Minch
"As the sun painted the western skies shades of what this color-blind reported was told of as amazing purple, The Mighty Krakenites stretched their limbs and prepared to take on the Blue Oxen.  Using our patented ten-tentacled defense we shot off in a cloud of ink to an early lead, taking half by a score not currently remembered.  In the second half, under the advisement of Motivational Speaker Nosowitz, we kept our head in the game like good cephalopods  and rode out the current to a 15-11 victory.  Unfortunately our final cheer was for Paul Bundy (hopefully a cousin of Al, preferably not Ted) - a folklore mistake we would like to apologize for and assure the Oxen that it shan't happen again." -Andrew Hartnegel
Kraken 15 - 11 Oxen
Stackin' Kraken vs. Puff the Magic Jackalope
"The moon rose in thankfully discernible black and white tones over the east and we all agreed it was a swell night for a second game against the Jackalopes.   The early game was so evenly matched, it didn't even matter that no one knew who was what color on the scoreboard.  The 'Lopes fought intensely, even with Dan Kenney sidelined with a golf injury (yes, you read that right), however our patented SuperSucker O took half and never looked back because that's impossible for a creature with fixed giant eyes on the sides of a neckless head, winning 13-9.  We committed yet another cheer gaffe in saying the 'Lopes had horns, when in fact they have antlers, but please understand it was just the adrenaline talking." -Ibid.  
Kraken 13 - 9 Jackalope

Nessie vs. ManBearPig
"(Nessie's Perspective): Bad guys get a quick break, taking the lead 2-3. We trade points a few times, and then Nessie gets two breaks, tying the game at 5s.  We trade points again and then bad guys gain the lead 6-7.  Nessie takes half, with some awesome zone defense, score 8-7.  ManBearPig gets a break, and game is tied at 9s.  Bad guys go up to 9-10, and then Cos gets 2 back to back calahans.  Final score 14-9, ManBearPig really does exist!  Great ultimate on both sides." - Jack Derbyshire
ManBearPig 14 - 9 Nessie

Wow, back-to-back Callahans?  That Cosgrove guy must be an outstanding cheater. 

Leaving us with the team records:
Calvinosaurs    2 - 5
Stackin' Kraken    3 - 4
Chupagoyles    3 - 4
Lil' Griffins    6 - 1 - 1
ManBearPig    2 - 5
Blue Oxen of Minch    3 - 4
Guardin' Gnomes    3 - 4
Puff the Magic Jackalope    2 - 4 - 1
Nessie    6 - 2
Funky Fly Foenixes    5 - 2

And some photographic highlights taken by Laura Boffa. 

Ellory shows distaste for her Daddy's team's performance. 
Josh Tager makes someone layout. 
Mike Rose goes up!

Looks like two pivot points to me. 

Frisbee people are weird. 
Brian scores again.  Booooring. 

Playoffs are a-coming!  See you tomorrow night. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week Five's a Wrap!

Hey Everyone,

Great playing this past week. Here's a recap of how the games went down last Wednesday:

-The Guardin' Gnomes took the first game of the day against ManBearPig 13-8, while the Lil' Griffins were able to pull away against the Stackin' Kraken 12-7

-In the doubleheader of the day, the Lil' Griffins were able to come away victorious against ManBearPig 15-11, while Puff the Magic Jackalope won against the Blue Oxen of Minch 14-11

-During the late games, the Funky Fly Foenixes won against Nessie15-10, beating the last undefeated team in league. Meanwhile, the Chupagoyles were able to sneak away with a win against the Calvinosaurs 12-11.

Also, just as a reminder to everyone, we are accumulating a lot of stuff in the lost and found, so please come claim anything that may belong to you! Also, if you have anything in your possession that's not yours, please return those items to the rightful owner. It's no fun to lose stuff at league, and it's even worse when somebody consciously is taking your swag.

See you all this Wednesday!

-Chanchai and Ryan