Thursday, December 8, 2011

Playoffs Round 2: The Dust Turns Into Snow and Swirls More Ferociously!


The Famer's Almanac said we were due for something, but only ray'sweather knew that it would drop 20 degrees in about 2 hours Wednesday afternoon.  But nothing can temper an ultimate player when he's got the playoffs in his/her veins.  Well, it seemed to slow some down, as a total of 10 people were at the fields when the conch horn sounded the beginning of the 5.30 game.

At 5.30
Graphite vs. Baby Blue.  
The Baby Blue team began to arrive in a trickle, and then they turned into a river.  Apparently gumptioned by their first loss in the brackets last week to Navy Blue, the team had plenty of motivated players.  Meanwhile, Graphite topped out with 5, and played the first half down two players.  And still, due to some stellar play and at least one flying layout D by Dan New Baby Daddy Manget, they only officially forfeited when the score was 6-3 and one of their players decided to begin his long drove home early.  Baby Blue.  
the Scruffy Unicorns mustered enough players to meet Green&Tonic 7 on 7.  The tone was set early by the weather.  People, the snow was coming down in curtains.  The cones quickly blew away after I tried to set them down, and scores typically only went one way.  Huck and Zone would've been a good strategy, had you been able to Huck in a direction of your choice.  But as the weather got worse, the dedication in all players showed, and it turned into an amazing game; just the kind of incredulous heart that the game's all about.  Green&Tonic won to advance, 8-4 I believe.  Here's a picture I tried to take.

at 7.00
Baby Blue stayed around for the additional 15 minutes to see if their opponent, Gold Rush, would arrive.  Alas, only 4 hearty members of their roster were on hand.  A shame Gold's attendance issues left their teammates in the cold.  (ha?)  Their stalwart loyalists stuck around for a brief pickup game, but most of Baby Blue was happy to accept their second forfeit of the night and get in their cars a little sooner.
Green&Tonic took on Tighty Whiteys in G&T's second game of the evening.  I didn't see too much of the game, but I saw some nice flow and tosses, despite the elements, from some of White's stars.  White wins.

at 8.30
the Bonobos took on Navy Blue in the playoff semis.  Again, I was playing and didn't see much, but can surmise from drinking with reps from both teams afterwards that it was pretty spirited game with more of Navy Blue's characteristic domination by their deep and talented roster.  Navy Blue
"Though it was epically cold out, Redeye Redrockets and P.P.P.P.. had a good turn out. Feet and fingers froze within the first 5 min and the game was already intense. P.P.P... took the lead at 3-0, but each point was long and hard fought by both teams. RR came up through the windy conditions to take half at 8-7. With many fouls, travels and intense lay outs for those floaty discs, RR came out at hard cap with 11-9." - Natalie Wolfe.  Red wins.  

So the bracket has come to this!  See you Saturday; every team has a game, as scheduled below.  And if you can't make it to your game, then at least come Saturday evening to the Altamont Brewery in West Asheville, where the victors will be crowned and then the victors of bar games will be crowned.  
Fall 2011 Bracket

1 comment:

  1. Finally a picture of me in front of the camera. Thanks Ryan. Those were some harsh conditions but made for a fun game.
